Nortwen, Olivia
Hello! My name is Ms. Olivia and I am an ELL (English Language Learners) teacher here at Farnsworth Lower. This is my first year teaching in SPPS and I am so excited to work with our first and second grade multilingual students. I am also the Latino Consent Decree (LCD) contact person for Farnsworth and am here as a resource and advocate for our Latinx families.
I’m originally from a small town in Wisconsin, but I came here for college and love living in the Twin Cities. I attended the University of Minnesota and got BAs in Spanish and sociology, and then earned my master’s degree in second language education. My teaching licenses are in both English as a second language and Spanish. Last year, I lived and taught in Madrid, Spain but am happy to be back in the U.S. this year. In my free time I enjoy being active outside with my dog, spending time with friends and family, and traveling.
Please do not hesitate to reach out with questions: