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Brown, Jennifer


Email: jennifer.brown@spps.org

Phone: Shared on Seesaw app/or I have texted you already ;-)

Qualifications: Mrs. Brown: Bachelors of Science from St. Catherine University in Early Childhood (Age 3-Grade 6), Masters of Art from St. Catherine University in Elementary Education

Hands-on Building

Moon Lander Challenge

Mrs. Jenny Brown

Welcome to Kindergarten!

Kindergarten is an exciting time for five and six year olds. They learn so much so very quickly.


Mrs. Brown's Bio: I have been teaching at Farnsworth since 2009. I started my teaching career in Minneapolis in 2003 and spent a couple of years at another school in St. Paul. Farnsworth is an AMAZING school with great opportunities. I LOVE it here!

Our students will learn so crazy fast. It is so much fun to watch them succeed and be excited about their accomplishments.

If you ever need to get a hold of me please call/text, email, send a message on Seesaw. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to educate your child!

Take care,

Mrs. Jennifer Brown

"If you think you can, you can!"


Mrs. Jennifer Brown, Kindergarten Teacher

Farnsworth Aerospace PK-4 Magnet School

1290 Arcade Street

St. Paul, MN 55106

651-293-8675-Main Office

*Please email me for my phone number.


Listening to a Story from an Astronaut on the ISS

Learning About Kites