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Mr. Lee

Email: lao.lee@spps.org

Phone: 651-744-2999

Qualifications: MSW University of Minnesota Twin Cities

Mr. Lao Lee, School Social Worker

I started to work with St. Paul Publlic Schools since 1989, throughout the years I have been working with various departments with different positions. I have been a school social worker in the last 14 years.  Please contact me if you have any questions.


I will be available at school for in person learning and Google meet with VLS students. 
Best way to contact me is through email: lao.lee@spps.org, or leave message with my regular voicemail at 651-774-2999
Google Meet Code: mrlee

School Social Work

Assess student functioning, both formally and informally, incorporating data from multiple sources across settings. Provide appropriate social work services to individuals and groups and their families. Consult with parents, teachers, and administrators to develop intervention strategies to enhance school success. Identify, coordinate family, community resources to enable children to receive maximum benefit from their educational program. Provide crisis intervention services for students. Provide consultation t o school personnel regarding home, neighborhood, and community conditions affecting student well being. Serve as a resource to school staff regarding identification and reporting of child abuse and neglect. Consult and collaborate with community agencies and other mental health professionals to coordinate services. Work with students in both general education and special education settings. Participate in Special Education Child Study team. Assist in resolving truancy concerns.   When appropriate assist families make outside referrals to community mental health professionals.