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Barich, Julie

Email: julie.barich@spps.org

Phone: 651-744-4318

Qualifications: Bachelor of Arts-University of MN Twin Cities Master of Arts in Education-Hamline University

Mrs. Barich, ELL


My name is Mrs. Barich.  I am an ELL (English Language Learners) teacher.  I work with kindergarten and second graders during reading and writing time. 

Farnsworth is the only school I've worked at.  I really enjoy teaching at Farnsworth.  The students and staff are great!  

I am married and have two sons.  My oldest son is heading off to his first year of college this year.   My youngest son is starting 9th grade. 

Over the summer I spent lots of time watching my sons play baseball and basketball.  We also spent time up north visiting family.

I enjoy reading, shopping, and spending time with my family.