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SPPS and SPFE Reach Tentative Agreement and Avoid Strike

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Watch Tuesday's Press Conference

Dear Saint Paul Public Schools Community,

I am pleased to share that Saint Paul Public Schools (SPPS) and the Saint Paul Federation of Educators (SPFE) have reached tentative agreements on new contracts for our licensed educators including teachers, educational assistants, and school and community services professionals. This means there will NOT be a strike and school will remain in session. 

Thank you for your support of your children, our staff and Saint Paul Public Schools during this time. I am thankful that we were able to work together and come up with solutions that honor what is best for our students and ensure our employees are paid fairly for the important work they do every day. Details about the agreements will be shared after they are approved by SPFE’s members and the SPPS Board of Education. 

As a district, we are committed to the important work of collaboration and coming together as one SPPS community. Our staff, students, families and administrators all want Saint Paul Public Schools to be the best district it can be, and the only way we can do that is by working together.

In partnership,

Joe Gothard